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How are banks preparing for the future of privacy?

In the race to comply with the LGPD, banks must lead the way. In Brazil, there are more and more banking options – whether digital or physical – that are gaining ground. Being widely used by a large part of the population, privacy must be taken care of as much as possible in a context of valuable information.

In general, the future of privacy for organizations, such as banks, must be based on greater seriousness, awareness and investment in their digital and physical structures. First, it is necessary to understand what information they collect.

What information do banks collect from customers?

Banks have a lot of information about users, whether it be personal, financial or transaction information.

At the time of registration, they need to know your full name, your age – to verify whether you are of legal age or at least 16 years old, it varies according to the bank’s policy – ​​address, CPF, and ways to get in touch, such as telephone or email.

They also need to know your financial situation in order to offer a limit according to your economic situation, among other issues to be decided that are only possible with information from other bank accounts. Furthermore, when using the application, they have knowledge of your transactions, deposits, withdrawals and payment of bills, such as invoices.

What does the future of banking look like in privacy?

Already aware of the issue of privacy, as a result, Brazilian banks are investing more in technological and practical measures that guarantee telegram data security in their structures, involving their customers’ data.

The evolution of technology will be a great ally, more precise than it already is. Some banks use Artificial Intelligence to detect any suspicious movement, which could indicate an attempted scam or something similar.

On the legal side, they work in compliance with privacy laws

Such as the General Data Protection Law in Brazil. A review of internal policies and procedures is out to ensure that they are in line with the regulations.

The financial market must comply with the LGPD, even to operate in a fair manner with its customers, who need to know whether their the best part is probably establishment is safe to have their money stored or invested.

The trend for the future is that bank customers will increasingly have greater knowledge of the subject and that institutions can play an important role in disseminating good practices in favor of privacy.

Banks: constant targets for hackers

Banks are constant hotspots for data leaks , or at least attempts. As mentioned earlier, they contain an abundance of confidential and highly bgb directory information. With the data breached, cybercriminals take advantage of the breach to commit crimes of extortion, financial fraud or identity theft.

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